How to Spot and Avoid Scary Contractors

Our Project Consultants meet with homeowners every day. We meet about 20-25 new customers (or returning customers) each week. It’s surprising (and sometimes alarming) the stories we hear about some contractors—everything from their scary appearance, their lack of professionalism, the smoke or alcohol on their breath, or how unsafe or uncomfortable some customers feel after…

Maximizing Space: Creating a Multiuse Space or Multigenerational Home

Introduction In today’s dynamic real estate market, the concept of a multiuse space or multigenerational home is gaining increasing popularity. With the challenges of soaring property prices and changing family dynamics, many homeowners are finding innovative ways to maximize their existing space. One of the most practical and cost-effective solutions is the creation of a…

Get More Than Just Curb Appeal with Romabio Italian Mineral Paints

For the last few years, we have been learning the art of applying lime wash and masonry paint to exterior brick homes and interior porches and fireplaces. Our professional painters have become skilled in the application of these specialty products and our customers have been thrilled at the way their homes look once the transformation…